The Lead Yourself First newsletter is a deep dive into what keeps leaders healthy and performing at their peak. Every fourth week, I'll distill one or more points to help you prioritize self-leadership and personal growth.

The start of July brings all of the temptations of summer. It can also be separation season for you and your organization.
As we reach the midpoint of the year, it's the perfect time to pause, reflect, and embrace the Fresh Start Effect.
This psychological phenomenon highlights the impact of temporal landmarks on behaviour change - moments in time when a reboot is natural.
We’re 6 months into the year.
Take a moment and reflect. How are you versus your annual goals? No doubt the world has conspired to throw landmines (and sometimes accelerators) in your path. The midpoint of the year is the perfect time to take stock of where you are to set the second half of the year up for success.
I’m not saying don’t enjoy summer! We all need the longer days and warmth. We all need the moments to slow down with our family and friends.
As we do so, what do you need to keep in front of you for July and August to set you up for an incredible September?
Living in alignment with our purpose, doing work that energizes us, and challenging ourselves to grow - This is all part of what it means to be fully alive.
Every day is a chance to start anew, but there's something special about the midpoint of the year that calls us to rise above, recommit to our direction, and rediscover our potential.
Wishing you a transformative second half of the year!
Are you ready to take your business to the next level?