The Lead Yourself First newsletter is a deep dive into what keeps leaders healthy and performing at their peak. Every fourth week, I'll distill one or more points to help you prioritize self-leadership and personal growth.

An 11 minute walk. Ideally, with pace on uneven ground in nature. If you can, in the morning at first light. Without a digital tether. No matter your age, this is the single best thing you can do for your long-term health.
The University of Cambridge completed a meta-analysis of 196 studies. They concluded that some is better than none and that as little as an 11 minute brisk walk a day can lower your risk of premature death by 25%.
It is a laughably small commitment.
The average person spends 3 hours and 14 minutes on their phone. Surely, you can find 11 minutes for a walk.
How are you prioritizing your health?
PS - If you want to dive into strategies to push through growth challenges and scale up your sales, marketing and operations, check out this week's episode of the Racki & Symes podcast. 
"You don’t need excitement; you need consistency. You don’t need more time; you need more focus."
- Shane Parrish